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Impeccable quality skips @ realistic price


3M3 Marrel skip bin,Heavy duty reinforced Marrel skip
3M3 Marrel skip binHeavy duty reinforced Marrel skip

We at New Bridge Services Pty Ltd  are  excited to launch of our innovative Marrel skip bins design . We bring a rugged and heavy reinforced skip bin to our existing range, thus giving the end user a product that is not only realistically priced but also a product that will withstand the rugged application.

The NBSRSB series 3 and 6 is a Marrel skip to be considered if you were upgrading or starting off a new skip Hire buisness.

We are a fully Australian owned company manufacturing a wide range of Hook bins, Marrel skip bins, gantry bins, Marrel skip bins with doors, Marrel skip bins without doors , with our own factories in China, Taiwan we offer impeccable quality @ realistic  CNF prices (cost and freight to any port in Australia or New Zealand)

Pricing in local A$ and NZ$ safe guarding you against the fluctuating US currency.

Our fully fabricated skips are:

4mm floor/5mm

3mm sides/4mm

3mm end walls/4mm

custom floor and side wall thickness available

mixed skip sizes in a 20ft or 40 ft CTN loads.(eg:3M3,6M3,7M3,9M3)

CNF(cost and freight) prices in A$, with assistance in clearing and forwarding to your location

Rigid under floor support

available with wheel barrow doors

75x50x4mm RHS top rail

Heavy duty sub frame

fully seam welded inside and outside

2 coats of  epoxy under coat and 2 top coats painted to customers desired colour

heavy duty castors with brake options

logo printing on the skips

Qty discounts on 18 and above enquire here

assistance in clearing and forwarding your container to your door step (enquire here)

skips with lids  and heavy duty locks

custom heavy duty sided also available

heavy duty lifting lugs with fork lift lifting options and lifting hook options as per the requirement

we fabricate  skip bins  for commercial or construction applications

we manufacture skips to any design and specifications

send us a photo of your existing skips to match existing design.

Touch base with us on your next requirement of Marrel skip bins , Hook lift Bins. Gantry skips bins. and we will work out a  cost effective solution, thus rendering you Quality @ realistic prices.

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